Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wow... What planet am I on?

We began our journey in this country as a group of "misfits" who dreamed of being able to practice and express our views unfettered in a free country, whether we agreed with the ruling parties or not. We accomplished this goal to it's full fruition on July 4th, 1776. Our founding fathers decided that there were certain "truths" that were, and I love this one, "self evident"! Man that gives me a shiver! So much of what I write seems "SELF EVIDENT" to me. I guess if it were really that evident, we wouldn't have well educated judges and political leaders so blind to it. We have lost the "unalienable right" to such things as "liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Just as one of our greatest presidents stated, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Lincoln. We as citizens have allowed this to become the reality of our government. Isn't it amazing how insightful some of our leaders have been throughout history? Ben Franklin said, "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." This quote is directly referenced by the actions of our former president Bush. The patriot act, while possibly beginning with good intentions, was part of the beginning of our country's willingness to let our government run rampant.

Make no mistake, I am not a Bush supporter, nor am I an Obama supporter. I am a supporter of our country. The USA needs more citizens who are focused on her well-being rather than their political stance. If a label is required, I consider myself at this point a Libertarian. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government" - Declaration of Independence. Have we forgotten what our country was founded on? YES WE HAVE, and we are unfortunately being reminded slowly but surely in a most unpleasant way. Let's compare how our government today is holding up against the responsibilities it was designed for.

In our country, you are now taxed for the purpose of supporting those who legislators decide are worthy. Our money has been doled out to schmucks on Wall Street, in Detroit, Mi., and many other companies in many cities all chosen based on personal bias of the very members of congress who voted to get the money from us. the word for this is stealing. dictionary.com defines stealing as the act of to taking (the property of another or others) without permission or right. Now, we weren't asked if we wanted to fund a bail-out, so there goes the argument for permission. Now the question is do they have the right? Now I am not a scholar of the Constitution by any means, but I was unable to find any passage in it that gave the government the right to take our money to further their own interests or the interests of anyone other than providing security to maintain our FREEDOM as a country. How many people believe General Motors had to survive the recession in order to secure our freedom? I would guess you might get Obama to argue that point but not too many others,(maybe not even Pelosi).

What about the things that are being championed now pertaining to our health care system? While our health care system has its flaws, it is the best in the world. Obama finally made a concession in his health care speech the other night,(however subtle), that socialization is not the answer. He conceded that the best answer is to reform the current system, but then went on to destroy his credibility by suggesting that the rest of us pay for health care for those who cannot afford it by cutting spending in other places to compensate for it. Sometimes I just feel like my head will explode the more I think about the direction we are headed as a country.

In short, we need to start holding our leaders accountable for encroaching on our liberties and reaching far beyond the rights granted them by our nations founding documents. Let not the immortal words of our wise founding fathers fall on deaf ears! Stand up Americans! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! Take it back.


Kym said...

This is terrific, John. Well stated and direct. Send it to the Op Eds around the country!!

Bama Belle said...

Great John, I work with the Republican Party here. Hope that we can all get it together and take back our nation. Look forward to "following you" stay in touch