Sunday, March 22, 2009

The times are changin... or are they?

It's been a while since my last post. I have been disillusioned and lost in the surreal America that helped our current president get elected. We have evolved almost overnight into a country that has forgotten about the responsibilities of our government and focuses purely on popularity rather than competency or integrity when considering individuals to fill positions that will shape our future.

Our government passed a bill that was literally not read by anyone in the House of Representatives, The senate or even the White House. Now, at this point I almost feel like the question I am about to ask has no meaning in the English language anymore because it is ignored so much but here it goes. HOW CAN ANYONE RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT PASS A BILL WHEN NO ONE IN THEIR OFFICE, NONE OF THEIR CONSTITUENTS, NO ONE IN THE COUNTRY, HAS EVEN READ IT??? Sorry for the caps but I am so confused as to how these words seem to fall on deaf ears every time they are uttered. Is Obama so popular that it doesn't matter what he or his cronies do? We just look the other way every time we get robbed. Well, the election proved that we are not living in a country where anyone is informed enough to understand the dynamics of our government much less our economy, at least not the majority of us.

Consider the bailout that was the "SOLUTION" to our economic crisis. All it has done is create a vacuum in which these executives, who have raped and pillaged the companies they worked for, are allowed to operate with no fear of consequence regardless of the quality of their decision making. I know I am debating ideas that are moot at this point, but it has be said in this context to ensure the foundation is laid for the Theory I am about to present.

I believe this was planned. Yep, you read it right, PLANNED! During the great depression, one of the first things the democratic leaders did was raise taxes on the rich. Obama has articulated throughout his campaign that he wishes to do the same. Well, in this day and age with the media outlets disseminating information immediately, raising taxes on the rich to the extremes of that era will not be easily done unless some sort of class warfare is created. So here's what they are doing. During the free-for-all collection of sections of the bailout proposal, a moral and almost insanely sensible clause was included. It stated that companies accepting bailout funds should not pay bonuses to employees because they were not financially healthy enough to do so. Well, the decision was made by Senator Dodd to remove this exclusion completely and then add the requirement that all companies were to pay any bonuses contractually agreed to before the bailout was received. Step 1 in the plan. Step 2 was simply pass the bill and wait for one of the companies to OBEY the law and pay bonuses that WERE agreed to before the bailout was accepted. Once they caught one of these companies "RED HANDED" obeying their law, they would start an outcry of shock that these "FAT CATS" were taking tax payer money and doling it out to each other. Step 3 is the kicker. Under the guise of "Trying to recover tax payer money" from the evil executives who dared to follow their law, they suggest a law taxing bonuses of any employee of a company taking bailout money by 90%. Now here is the real doozie. Step 4 is to quietly change the 90% tax on those working for companies taking bailout money to "all publicly traded companies". Now they are working on passing a bill to tax anyone who makes over 250K and gets a bonus form any company publicly owned 90% of their bonuses.

In case you skipped class the day the great depression was discussed, the initial decline was cause by a drop in the twenties of the bottom 80 percent of income earners from tax obligations, beginning the shouldering of all the tax burden by the top 20% of income earners. Once we were in a full blown recession, an effort to raise money and slow the recession in 1932 was made by raising the tax rate on the rich from 25% to 63%. This in turn drove our country into the Great Depression. in 1933 the GDP fell and unemployment rose to an astonishing 24.9%! wow, taxing the rich sure didn't work to pull us out, by the time World War II pulled us out of the great depression, the rich were being taxed as much as 91% in the top tax bracket. Once this was rectified and the higher tax rates were reduced by more than 20% in 1963 America experienced the largest economic boom in it's history to that point.

All I can say is well done. Obama and his crew are smart people, I mean the majority of them never even paid their own taxes until it was the virtual cover charge to get into the old boys club that used to be our government. I fear we are headed down a long and difficult road watching our leaders,(and I use that term loosely), try to play god and shape our country into something contradictory to what our forefathers intended.

Dear Mr. Obama and tax evading Cronies,

I urge you during one of the most trying times we have faced in our nations history, remember the words of George Santayana. "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." remember the effects very similar tactics had on our country in the past. Please find it in your hearts to put the well being of our beloved country before all else and stop robbing our children of the opportunity to live in a prosperous, free America that so many of us veterans have sacrificed for.

Thank you for your time,
The American People

1 comment:

Unknown said...

John~ I also am concerned at the direction this great country has turned. I worry for my children and the battles that they must fight.
Obama, (i just cant call him president) doesn't care a lick about this country. He is essentially positioning himself to run the New World Order once Kissenger and his world leaders clique finish their plans to create a one world government.
It has become obvious to me that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. and Clinton have all been supporting this plan. Obama, with his financial plan, is essentially guaranteeing that we become financially dependent on the rest of the world to expedite their plans.

~astounding video~

If these dont sicken you. Please leave my country.

Mike White